
Practical Strategies for Effective Communication


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ITRS Pathways Home Practical Skills for Effective Communication

Florida State University offers an online curriculum in Practical Skills for Effective Communication.

This curriculum was developed by the Institute for Trauma & Resilience Studies in FSU's College of Social Work. In this virtual training, we provide learners with useful strategies to build effective communication skills that will improve your interactions with clients, customers, and colleagues. The trauma-informed skills gained here will strengthen your relationships and contribute to building a culture of support and mutual respect

This online, self-paced curriculum includes about an hour of interactive course content featuring evidence-based research, case scenarios, multimedia materials, knowledge checks, and a final assessment. 

For a more detailed course description, please visit our website's professional development course page here:

ITRS Pathways to Professional Advancement

This course can be used to satisfy the elective component of the Professional Certification in Resilience Strategies in the Workplace. See the learning pathway below for more information:

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